Halloween is upon us. Pumpkins, ghosts and goblins are everywhere. I usually tend to look at this holiday as a pretend holiday, mainly for the kids to dress up and collect candy. But this year the thought occurred to me that this would be a good time to ask, "What haunts you?"
We all have fears inside, fears that hold us back, fears that keep us stuck. You may have the fear of failure or fear of success. Maybe it is fear of letting go or fear of staying stuck. Or perhaps it is fear of your true feelings being exposed or the fear that you will never be able to express your true feelings. These fears haunt us and keep our true nature cowering inside. They can be paralyzing!
What haunts you? Be honest with yourself. What haunts you (read paralyses you, keeps you stuck?) What is your biggest fear? What is the worst case scenario? What will your life look like five years from now if you hold onto this fear? What would happen if you overcame the fear?
There are two basic human emotions, Love and Fear? Which one leads your life?
This year take the opportunity on Halloween to release your fear. Start by acknowledging what really haunts you deep down inside. Envision how your life would be different if you did not have this fear. Make a plan to release the fear.
If you are stuck in your fear working with a coach can help expose the roots of your fears and provide tools to move beyond them. The result is a happier and more fulfilled life, without fear!