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Monday, March 16, 2009

So, You Want to Be a COACH

You love helping people and the idea of working from home, so of course, coaching comes to mind. But what does it really take to become and be a life coach?

  1. Training—Coaching is both art and science. The art will come through your experiences, intuition, and personality. The science comes through training. With training you will learn to listen to text and tone. You will learn about patterns that keep people from reaching their goals and how to help your client set obtainable goals. There are many schools that offer training. An ICF approved coach training program is recommended. Once you finish the program get your certification.

  1. Work with a Coach—Find a coach you connect with an experience coaching from the client side. Pay attention to what your coach does, the questions they ask, and how you feel during the experience. You may even ask your coach to coach you on becoming a coach.

  1. Decide on your coaching niche —This could be relationships, time management, getting organized, life transitions, or financial matters. Whatever your passion and experience leads you to coach on, the field is open, just be specific.

  1. Marketing­—You must love marketing. There are countless ways to market your coaching practice both in person and on the web. Many coaches sell programs on how to market your practice.

  1. Money—You probably will not make $100,000 in your first year. Even though most coaches charge between $100 and $500 an hour, it takes time to build a practice. There are many programs and products available online to help you grow your business.

By combining your unique personality and special talents with proper training and marketing you will be on your way into the rewarding world of life coaching.

Check out, So You Want to be a COACH. In this new e-book you will learn what it takes to become a coach and what it is like to be a coach. It is the truth about my journey into the world of coaching! Plus there are links to the best websites to get your coaching practice up and running!

To purchase your copy visit CoachRhonda.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Just got back from lunch at the Daytona Beach chapter of WOAMTEC (Women on a Mission To Earn Commission.) What a wonderful opportunity to meet with other business women and network! Thank you, Inez Bracy, for inviting me! To learn more about WOAMTEC visit their website WOAMTEC.

The presenter at today's meeting was Lois Pollack who represents JBUG jewelry, an equisite line of custom made (in the USA!) jewelry that makes one think of David Yurman but at a fraction of the price! Check out their website at JBUG.