It's been a very interesting day regarding blogging.
First let me say, on most days I don't think about blogging. I actually only think of it once or twice a month, either when I write my email newsletter or when I am reminding my newsletter list of my FREE monthly tele-coaching session. Today is neither of those days, so it's unusual for me to even think of blogs or blogging.
But, as I said, today has been interesting.
My first encounter with thinking about blogs and blogging began at a lunch networking meeting where one of the attendees gave her 60 second elevator speech of who she is and where she works. I don't remember any of what she said about that. But when another attendee said something like, "Tell them about your entrepreneurial work." She then said, "Oh yeah, I teach people how to monetize their blogs." Then that same attendee said, "Tell them how much you made last year on your blog." She then said, "About $35,000, working about 5 hours a week." Wow! Now that is something to think about!
My second encounter regarding blogs was a conversation I had with my daughter who has/had a high fashion blog. She was looking at a magazine and casually commented that she had not posted anything on her blog in quite sometime. We began talking about the different kinds of blog styles, her competition in the fashion blog world, and why she has somewhat lost interest. I mentioned to her about the woman from the network meeting who teaches people to monetize their blogs. She said she has a friend who knows how to do that. Of course, having today heard for the first time about the concept of 'monetizing your blog' I had to wonder why she wouldn't have already learned how to monetize her blog since she has a friend who could teach her how!
My third thought about blogs happened as I was surfing the internet to look at website designs as I am considering a website make-over. I was shocked to see how many sites had links to their blogs which hadn't had any new blog postings for months or even in over a year! As I would see that I had to wonder, "Are they still in business?" or "Have they lost interest in their business?" or "Did they just decide to quit blogging?" However, when I saw a blog with a recent posting I felt comfort in knowing this person is still passionate about their business and/or blog.
Now as I sit here this evening pondering the question of why the subject of blogs has come up for me 3 times today, I realize I have learned the following:
1. If you already have a blog it's a great idea to learn how to monetize your blog, after all a little extra income would be wonderful.
2. It is easy to loose interest in your blog. If you have lost interest, examine why and what it would take to re-gain your interest.
3. If you are not going to keep your blog current either take it down or at least leave one final message for the readers advising them that you are still in business but have decided to no longer blog.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you had this revelation! Does this mean you'll blog more? Glad of it.
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