The Law of Attraction is a universal law regarding your thoughts. As noted in the movie The Secret; what you think about is what you attract, what you focus on expands, what you ask for and believe you are deserving of, you will receive. We all understand gravity and know that if we fell off a five story building the law of gravity would be the same for every person, every time. The same is true for the Law of Attraction. In The Power of Positive Thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote: “Learn to expect, not to doubt. In doing so you bring everything into the realm of possibility…It is amazing how a sustained expectation of the best sets the forces in motion which can cause the best to materialize.”
Gratitude fits perfectly in with the Law of Attraction because--what you focus on expands. If you constantly complain you will get more to complain about. If you are thankful and appreciative you will have more to be thankful and appreciative about. As accurately stated by Dennis Waitley, “First we make our attitudes, then our attitudes make us.”
Visualization is a powerful way to stay motivated. Imagine that you have just had the most magical, unbelievable year of your life. When you visualize you activate the energy and feelings that will encourage and motivate you to manifest your desires.
Goal planning is the final ingredient. What is your goal? How would your life be different if you achieved the goal? Why do you want to achieve the goal? Once you have clearly stated your goal determine the five to ten most important steps you must take to make the goal a reality, giving each step a deadline. In order to achieve your goal and the interim steps toward it you will need a variety of resources including; time, energy and motivation, money, people, and possibly more. Be committed to identifying the resources, where they will come from, and where to get them if you don’t already currently have them. Remember, a goal, not in writing, is simply a wish.
These steps can be summarized with four A’s; Attraction, Attitude, Apparition and Action! Put the Law of Attraction to work in your life. Improve your attitude with gratitude. Visualize the apparition of your desires. Take action with a solid goal plan. You can, Make it Great in 2008!
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