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Friday, October 29, 2010

Business in the United States

We all know the economy in the United States is suffering. Perhaps you and your business are suffering too. What can we do? Do we look to the government to fix it? I personally don't think so. I believe we must fix it, we the small business owners, entrepreneurs, solo-preneurs, couple-preneurs, small office/home office business owners. I truly think the answer lies in small business.  We need jobs. We need to create products. We need new ideas and services.
I recently consulted with three separate companies that were wondering if they should stay in business. I am always sad when I hear of businesses that are going under.
In each case my questions were the same..."What are you doing to grow your business now?" and "Where can you cut expenses?" I realize these business owners are feeling defeated.  It was only a few years ago that their businesses were in 'the land of milk and honey.'  Their overhead and employee costs have grown and they have debt that is now difficult to manage.  It's tough and it's sad. 
In the same week I worked with three new businesses.  I am always amazed and impressed when I work with new business start-ups. The energy and enthusiasm is infectious. I wish I could bottle this and give it to the ailing business owners, it might just get their businesses going again! 
If you currently have a small business that is struggling I encourage you to make the tough decisions. Cut where you can. Come up with some new marketing strategies. Get focused by creating a plan and monitoring your progress. Get back to basics by focusing on your customers and costs. 
I have created a Business Evaluation assessment that will help you determine:
  • If  you are moving toward peak performance
  • If your company is suffering from business as usual
  • If your business model needs an overhaul
Years ago John F. Kennedy challenged Americans to,  "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."  I believe we can do what Americans have always done:
  • Be innovative
  • Be self-determined
  • Be tenacious
  • Work smart
  • And work hard!
This is still a free country and the best place on earth to start and grow a business!

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