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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

2009 is just a day away and 2008 will become a memory. What will you remember about 2008? What do you anticipate in 2009?

To help you remember the best of 2008 and plan for 2009:
  • Make a list of accomplishments. Truly acknowledge yourself and others for all achievements, from simple to extraordinary!
  • Make a list of your gratitudes for 2008. We have many things to be grateful for even when times are tough.
  • Last, make a list of your intentions for 2009. Imagine today is December 31, 2009, what do you want to write on your list of accomplishments and gratitudes? This will be your intentions for 2009!
All the best to you and your family in the coming New Year!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here! Where has the year gone? I am sure you are looking forward to a feast with your loved ones!

On Thanksgiving we are reminded to express our gratitude. This year I have a new idea to share with you, introduced to me by a fellow coach, Tina Games-Evans, it is an "AlphaPoem of Gratitude".

Here's how you do it...on a piece of paper make an ABC list vertically down the page. Starting with the letter A, list what you are grateful for, such as "Aunt Peggy" then pass the list to the next guest and have them fill in B. Keep passing the list until you have finished the alphabet! This is a fun way for everyone to express their gratitude!

I would like to leave you with a closing thought on gratitude, "Gratitudes are expressions of gratefulness for things outside of yourself: people, place, situation and things that are external. Always be specific as possible in your gratitudes. Gratitudes are very powerful; they can literally change your perspective of the world. You see opportunities where there were none before. You are open to possibilities that, in the past, would have felt impossible. You become more positive. You see people differently. You begin to notice little things. Stress dissolves. Your smile returns. Life seems doable." Rhonda Britten, Founder of Fearless Living

I look forward to making my "AlphaPoem of Gratitude" I know already for C, it is Clients and for R, the Readers of my newsletter and blog!

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving full of good food, good company, and Gratitude!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Showing Up

How often do you NOT show up in your life?

This recently happened to me with a group of coaches. We just recently met and are working together in a mastermind group. Our group is involved in a competition with other groups. (I hate competitions, give me collaboration instead!)

Each week we come together on a call to brainstorm (mastermind) some new ideas. If we come up with some great ideas then we stand a chance of winning a great prize. Sunday night just before our weekly call I had an epiphany...

I realized that if it were a reality TV show like Survivor, that on this night's call, I would most likely get kicked off! Aftr all, I was coming to the call with nothing to offer. I had been on two previous calls and felt I had offered nothing then either. I, of course, was dreading this call. Then it came to me, "I am not showing up!" Sure, I had been on the previous calls, but I didn't show up. The person that showed up was someone who was fearful of being judged, not fitting in, and/or not being good enough.

So, Sunday night, minutes before the call, I decided I would show up! All of me, honest, fearful, funny, and someone who does have something to contribute (even if I wasn't sure what!)

When it came my turn to share with the group I told them I had nothing! I said I was glad it wasn't a reality TV show because I would be getting kicked off! Guess what? They all had felt that way about themselves too! We all had NOT shown up!

At this moment, all of us showed up. We had our best call ever and came up with some great ideas!

Where are you not showing up in your life? I invite you to examine this over the next few weeks. Really focus and become aware of when fear is keeping you from showing up.

When we don't show up, we can't feel the passion, we don't find our purpose. Remember, passion comes with risk, power, and fun!

I would love to hear your story of How You Show Up or DON'T Show UP in Your Life. Post your comments here, maybe I can help you start "Showing Up"!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Making a List

Since my return from the Coaching Super Summit my mind has been overwhelmed with possibilities. There were so many great ideas I seem to just want to use them all!

How often does that happen to us in our businesses and in our lives? So many good ideas, so much to do, and never enough time?

For myself I have come up with a solution and perhaps this will work for you too.

I am making a list. A list of all the good ideas and things I want to do. Once I have made my list, I plan to rate it by what is most important, the amount of time it will take, whether there is a deadline or perceived deadline, how it will impact my business or life, whether I have the necessary means (tools, skills, etc.), and how much joy I will get from doing the particular task.

I like working with a list. I love crossing things off the list, it gives me such a sense of accomplishment.

I encourage you to take time today to make a list, after all we are approaching that time of year, as the jingle says, "He's making his list, he's checking it twice, gonna find out...whose productive or not!" (OK I changed the lyrics a bit!)

Monday, October 27, 2008

My trip to the Coaching Super Summit

It was indeed a SUPER coaching summit!!! Thank you Milana for providing this unique and informational opportunity. I met so many wonderful fellow coaches. Coaches are the warmest, most accepting, non-judgmental people in the world!

We learned so much. I am still digesting and processing all the information and can't wait to implement some of the ideas and watch my business transform! And that comment leads me to one of the most simple and impressive things I learned and want to share.

Information + implementation = TRANSFORMATION

Information - implementation = FRUSTRATION

How many times do we hear life changing information with all the intentions of implementing it into our lives then fail to act? Of course we end up frustrated! Well, I do not intend to have frustration, I intend to have a transformation!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Then and Now

Recently I was pondering the economic downturn and began to wonder how our time now would compare with the Great Depression. I decided to do some research and found some interesting information. Although, I have never been a history buff as I get older I realize we can learn from it.

As we know, the Great Depression was the result of Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 when the stock market crashed. But what I didn't realize, is that the Dust Bowl also factored into that time. The Dust Bowl was the result of an abnormally severe drought combined with over plowing of the land. Many of the people left the Dust Bowl area and went to California seeking jobs, but California had a terrible frost which killed many of their crops. So, the Great Depression was a combination of both Wall Street and weather.

What I really wanted to know though, was, whether any businesses or industries grew during that time. I found an interesting article about Successful Companies and Industries During the Great Depression. You can read it at At the end of this article there are some more great links about the Great Depression.

Basically, this is what I learned. Some industries like home appliances actually grew during that time. In other industries, companies that weren't highly leveraged were able beat out their competition with increased advertising. Case in point, Chevrolet started out selling Ford because they had more money for advertising. Also, because money was so tight consumers looked for better deals and companies offering better products and better deals came out stronger and with continued customer loyalty.

Then as now, change happens. Changes bring opportunity. Opportunity to grow, learn, discard, re-think, re-organize, and even re-energize.

The question I pose is, "What can we learn from THEN and how can we apply it NOW?" I welcome your comments, insights, and inspirations!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Still Time to Make it Great in 2008

Last week we had our monthly coaching club call. The topic was "Achieving 2008 Goals." As I surveyed those present on the call most had the same goals for 2008 that they had in 2007, 2006, and even 2005. Such goals as clean out closets, loose weight, and go back to school. When asked why they thought they had never accomplished the goals answers were; feeling overwhelmed, too tired after working all day, secret resentments, and just being lazy.

I believe we all have goals we want to achieve. I also believe if you have had the same goals for several years and are not accomplishing them that you are not being honest with yourself. Questions I asked the group were; How important is this goal? How will your life change if you reach your goal? How will achieving this goal make you happier? Is this your goal or someone else's? Are you worthy of the outcome of this goal?

If we want to increase our odds of achieving our goals then we have answer those questions honestly. It is interesting how many excuses I hear of why people do not reach their stated goals. Here's the truth...a goal without a plan and action is merely a wish and not likely to happen. Goals have an action plan. When we make a plan and take action we set the for stage success.

There is still over 3 months left in this year. Dust off your New Year's Resolutions list, make an action plan, and get busy! You can still "Make it Great in 2008!"

If you are having difficulty getting started or staying on track with your goal(s), talk to a coach! We are trained to inspire and motivate you to reach your true desires!

Monday, September 08, 2008


My daughter recently moved to England. She plans to stay for about 2 years. Before she left we were talking about the upcoming presidential election. As she was sharing her political views she told me who she plans to vote for to be our new president. I said, "But you will be in England, you won't be here to vote." She quickly advised me that she had already taken the necessary steps to be able to vote even though she will not be in the country. I have to say, I was impressed!

Are you planning to vote?

Perhaps you are undecided. Sometimes it is hard to make decisions, particularly if you feel pressure to make the right decision. But realize, not making a decision, is a decision. It just leaves you in a powerless position, which can become a habit in your life.

Perhaps you don't like either of the candidates. If you are only listening to the advertisements, especially the ones that slam the opposing candidate, then it is no wonder you don't like either candidate. Take some time to read up on where they stand on the issues that are important to your life. You will find one appeals to you more than the other.

Perhaps you feel your vote doesn't really count since we have delegates. There is a lot of talk around this subject. I am not so well versed on our process that I can offer a good explanation of this. However, I will say, we live in a nation where we do not have to risk our life in order to vote. It really is an opportunity and a privilege.

History will be made in this election. For the first time ever we will have either an African American President or a woman Vice President. These are exciting times! Be a part of the decision! VOTE!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Going to the Coaching Super Summit!

I am so excited, I have just signed up for the Coaching Super Summit being held in Baltimore in October! I really searched my soul before signing up. There were considerations about how much it would cost and could I afford that, whether I would feel uncomfortable there, how my family would get along with out me for a few days, and whether or not I was really committed to building my business.

So, how did I make my decision? I coached myself, just like I would coach my clients. I listened to the "committee in my head" and one by one addressed each issue that was holding me back.

How much would it cost and could I afford it? I had to make a decision, the price was going up soon, the discount for early registration was about to end. I asked myself, "What is the business American Express card for anyway, isn't it for business building opportunities?" This is a business building opportunity, right? Plus, if all goes well, I will increase my business enough to cover the cost. OK, this issue is resolved. Next...

Will I feel uncomfortable there? What kind of question is this? Already, I am putting a negative spin on the experience. Is it about acceptance? Worthiness? Confidence? Yes, that's what it is, confidence. I continually struggle with a lack of confidence. (People who know me are always surprised when I say this, but it is true.) Long ago I acknowledged confidence as one of my mental blocks and decided to not to let it keep me stuck. But here it is showing up again. Acknowledge it, release it. Next...

How would my family feel? Well, I thought, "I won't know until I ask." So, I sat down and explained to my husband how important I felt going to the summit would be for the growth of my business, discussed the traveling dates, and gained his support. I even boosted my own self support in the process. Another stumbling block removed! Next....

The last mental block in my way was the question of, "Am I really committed to building my business?" At first this question may seem like a no-brainer, of course I want to build my business. Right? Well, not so fast. I, like most people understand that I don't want to fail, but how would success change my life? Am I willing to embrace the changes that success may bring? I am convinced that we (me included) often stay in our comfort zones. As I pondered the question at hand, I realized that I have enjoyed the slower pace of building my coaching practice, but it is time to embrace new challenges and new frontiers!

So why am I sharing this story with you?

First to let you know that we all struggle sometimes in making decisions which will bring change to our lives. Confusion and fear keep us stuck. In my process I had to tune-in to my thoughts and get clear on all the mental blocks, then I had to address them one by one.

Second, I want to share the self-coaching approach with you. Next time you are struggling with a decision, take a few quite moments and really tune-in to your thoughts. Write down all the questions and/or thoughts that are swirling in your head regarding the issue. Examine them one by one and try to come up with a counter point to your own thought. If you are able to do this then you will have the clarity to make a good decision. If you can't do this on your own then talk with someone you trust such as your partner, parent, or friend. Otherwise consider working with a coach. We are trained to help you tune-in and dissect your thoughts and we encourage you to move past fear and follow your dreams!

Good luck with your decisions and following your dreams! I will soon be off to the Summit. I will let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's Summer--Time to Play Call Review

Thank you to those of you who joined this month's coaching club call, "It's Summer--Time to Play."

In this call we explored childlike behaviors such as, playful, imaginative, trusting, inquisitive, spontaneous, open, creative, silly, and loving. Callers shared memories of their childhood doing things such as watching ants, crawling through snow caves, swinging, playing with animals, rolling down hills, and eating pancakes at grandparent's house.

As adults, most of us get so stressed with the daily pressures of adult life that we forget the light hearted energy that childlike behaviors can bring. Callers expressed they would like to laugh out loud more, be more inquisitive, and be more spontaneous. They were encouraged to spend time each week doing an activity that would help them activate the light energy of playfulness. Suggestions were go to a water park, watch funny movies, people watch at the flea market, and go to a playground and watch children play.

At the end of the call we were reminded of "All I Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten" by Robert Fulgrum--
All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school. These are the things I learned:
  • Share everything.
  • Play fair.
  • Don't hit people.
  • Put things back where you found them.
  • Clean up your own mess.
  • Don't take things that aren't yours.
  • Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
  • Wash your hands before you eat.
  • Flush.
  • Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
  • Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
  • Take a nap every afternoon.
  • When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
  • Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
  • Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
  • And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living.

I encourage you to think back to when you were a child and your happiest times. Remember the way you felt. Think of a way today to incorporate some of that energy into your life!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Into Marketing Savings Call

Susan Payton of Egg Marketing & Public Relations was the featured expert of this month's coaching call. She shared some updated strategies for marketing our businesses that won't cost a fortune!

Some of her tips included:
  1. Susan says now is a good time to plant seeds (marketing seeds, of course!) Although your business may not be experiencing a slow down, all the economic forecasts are warning us of a recession. So now is the time to plant the seeds, that you will harvest in the months to come. Just like a farmer.
  2. Identify your target market.
  3. Analyze your marketing efforts by keeping track of how customers find you on a spread sheet. When you get a new contact you will need to ask them how they found you in order to track this. Once you have a few months information, keep what's working and re-evaluate what's not. Keep in mind if your marketing source fits your target market and you are not getting results you may need to re-evaluate your ad.
  4. Write and submit press releases. She has written an e-book on the subject which you can find at her website
  5. Susan enlightened us as to what a Web 2.0 world means. It is the new means of marketing we have on the Internet now that go far beyond billboards, print ads, brochures, and business cards. Not to take away from any of those means, but to have another avenue of exposure. To exist in the Web 2.0 world you need the following:
    • HAVE A WEBSITE! In this day and age most people look for products or services on the Internet. Websites are also great as a resource for potential customers or clients you spoken to who want more information about your business.
    • Use keywords. Try to come up with at least 4 keywords per page of your website, specifically targeting words you think others would use if they were looking for your product or service.
    • Start a blog. A blog is a series of articles on your area of expertise. It helps to also have links to other websites on your blog.

Susan also told us about an e-book that she wrote called "Eating Cereal With a Fork." In this book she talks about how to get the very most for your marketing budget.

Thank you Susan for a great call. We appreciate you sharing your expertise with us!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Make-Over

Spring is a great time for a make-over. Here are some ideas for different areas of your life:

  • Get your home in the spring mood by bringing in sheer fabrics, florals, and/or garden elements
  • Plant a garden
  • Update your landscaping
  • Get organized

  • Update your wardrobe with light colored or floral fabrics
  • Get a new hairstyle by updating your cut or color
  • Start a daily walking routine or exercise program

  • Stop complaining
  • Start a new hobby
  • Learn something new
  • Make-over your marketing or advertising
  • Update a product, service or your website

There are many ideas for make-overs. If you have an idea for a make-over please share it!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Hiring Employees and Team Building

Thank you, Bobbi Palmer for joining the call tonight and teaching us about Hiring Employees and Team building.

I learned the following from the call:

Hiring Employees--
  • The value of hiring based on "characteristics and values" first and "skill set" second.
  • Having a culture statement to express the business values.
  • Having a clear written job description.
  • Finding out what motivates the potential employee and whether that fits with your environment.
  • That it is acceptable and important to test people before hiring.
  • That we can go to your website to get more info about questions to ask ourself before interviewing and questions we can't ask in an interview.

Team Building--
  • The importance of defining the team.
  • That people want to feel that they are treated fairly, have an opportunity to achieve, and that they feel part of the team.
  • That they are recognized for their contributions.
  • That money isn't the only motivator.
  • The importance of communication.
I invite everyone to share their comments here.

Also, visit for more information.

Once again, thanks Bobbi!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Thank you Mark and everyone on the call!

We had a great call tonight with Mark Semple of Successful Together Coaching. If you have questions or comments post them here and Mark or I will get back with you.

For more information you can also visit Mark's website at There you can look around and also sign up for his newsletter.

Mark is offering a discount to the participants of the call on his Powerful Partnerships CD set. Go to

This 2-CD set that provides insights on how to gain support from partner & family and how they can support you.

Mark thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us on this call!!!

If you would like to listen to a playback of this call you can do so by dialing 614-715-3418, access code 771846#.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Confession

Do you ever have a great idea that you get started with then somehow loose track of? If you said, "Yes" then good, it's not just me. This blog was/is my good idea that I lost track of. I confess, I have been neglecting to submit new posts or reply to the comments that have been posted.

To those of you who did post your comments, I apologize that I did not answer or acknowledge you. I want to take that opportunity now.

Brenda Hager, I am so impressed that you found this blog and responded to my post about your writing. I loved your description on "Strong Women" and wanted to share it with every woman in the world. You so eloquently and accurately depicted strong women. Thank you!!!

Joyce, I would be happy to share more of my story about becoming a life coach. Please email me at and I will tell you the whole story and be happy to answer any of your questions.

Debbie, I am glad you enjoyed the post on Self-Confidence and hope you are continuing to give yourself credit for trying and celebrating your successes.

Loyce, thank you for reading my blog and posting your comment!

It's a new year and time to refocus! Time to let go of what did not work, revisit what could have worked, and come up with new ideas. I hope in the coming year you will turn to this blog for practical, logical and useful information!

Make it Great in 2008

Are you ready for the New Year? Have you thought about what you want to accomplish this year? If not, then sit back, relax and read on. By the time you finish this article you will be ready to “Make it great in 2008!” Combining the ingredients of the Law of Attraction, Gratitude, Visualization, and Goal Planning you will live the year by intention. This time next year you will look back and say, “Wow, 2008 was a fantastic year!”

The Law of Attraction
is a universal law regarding your thoughts. As noted in the movie The Secret; what you think about is what you attract, what you focus on expands, what you ask for and believe you are deserving of, you will receive. We all understand gravity and know that if we fell off a five story building the law of gravity would be the same for every person, every time. The same is true for the Law of Attraction. In The Power of Positive Thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote: “Learn to expect, not to doubt. In doing so you bring everything into the realm of possibility…It is amazing how a sustained expectation of the best sets the forces in motion which can cause the best to materialize.”

fits perfectly in with the Law of Attraction because--what you focus on expands. If you constantly complain you will get more to complain about. If you are thankful and appreciative you will have more to be thankful and appreciative about. As accurately stated by Dennis Waitley, “First we make our attitudes, then our attitudes make us.”

is a powerful way to stay motivated. Imagine that you have just had the most magical, unbelievable year of your life. When you visualize you activate the energy and feelings that will encourage and motivate you to manifest your desires.

Goal planning
is the final ingredient. What is your goal? How would your life be different if you achieved the goal? Why do you want to achieve the goal? Once you have clearly stated your goal determine the five to ten most important steps you must take to make the goal a reality, giving each step a deadline. In order to achieve your goal and the interim steps toward it you will need a variety of resources including; time, energy and motivation, money, people, and possibly more. Be committed to identifying the resources, where they will come from, and where to get them if you don’t already currently have them. Remember, a goal, not in writing, is simply a wish.

These steps can be summarized with four A’s; Attraction, Attitude, Apparition and Action! Put the Law of Attraction to work in your life. Improve your attitude with gratitude. Visualize the apparition of your desires. Take action with a solid goal plan. You can, Make it Great in 2008!